Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Work out for November 11, 2009

I don't think there was a name for it. I just had to do:
4 ring rows
8 full range push ups
12 air squats

All AMRAP. I got 11 full rounds in. And on the 12th I got into the push ups but couldn't quite complete the round. My push ups are not a strong suit for me. I have to work on form and going all the way down. I will get a solid one done here though. If one way doesn't work Benji will find another. I'm also looking forward to doing an actual pull up. My "guns" and upper body are a bit lacking there too. But hey, its why I am at B-town Crossfit. I will get there too!
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1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. I might have to try it for myself. I also love the title of your blog, you are so funny. I'm also thinking of joining a gym and taking some spinning classes. Love you girl, you look amazing!
