Wednesday, November 18, 2009
WOD for November 18, 2009
WOD for November 17, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
WOD November 13, 2009
Here it goes:
Warm up routine for B-town crossfit
Then the WOD:
14.4 kettle bell swings - 20
Jumping jacks - 100
Dead lifts with 55 pounds - 10
4 rounds
Done in 11:28
I felt like grade school with the jumping jacks. If we had to count out loud and together it would have had a more military feel. I think I should perfect the kettle bell swing just a tad more. It needs to be more hip and less arm. I am already looking forward to the next class time! Thanks again, Matt!
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Thursday, November 12, 2009
WOD November 12, 2009
Done for time:
Box steps
200 M run
Clean press
Time done: 7:52
Bonus workout: (Matt liked us today)
5 minutes, AMRAP
15 knees to toes
15 sit ups
15 push ups
2 full rounds done and 15 knees to toes with 7 Push ups
I am not so hot on push ups. But I am determined to get them done right. Box steps need to be box jumps. And I liked the clean press. Its good to get these done. Makes the day go better.
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Work out for November 11, 2009
4 ring rows
8 full range push ups
12 air squats
All AMRAP. I got 11 full rounds in. And on the 12th I got into the push ups but couldn't quite complete the round. My push ups are not a strong suit for me. I have to work on form and going all the way down. I will get a solid one done here though. If one way doesn't work Benji will find another. I'm also looking forward to doing an actual pull up. My "guns" and upper body are a bit lacking there too. But hey, its why I am at B-town Crossfit. I will get there too!
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